In our next episode we feature a collection of Sapling Stories, short tree-related tales that are sent in or collected from our listeners. We love to hear how trees impact and are interwoven into our individual, daily lives, including a sugar maple planted by a mother, an abandoned orchard, a tree cut down one day too early, the magnolia that is rarely seen in bloom, and a ficus for a father’s memory.
Special thank you to Diana Zipeto @dzipeto, Slava Tchoul, Virginia Montalvo, Mountaine Jonas, Lisa Schmidt, Sophy Tuttle @sophytuttle, Tess George, Michelle Dyment @tribeofgoats and Jess @Je_ss_dy, Rick Hall @rickhallcreative, Karl Frey, @westernavearts, and Courtney Bottomley @canarycourt.
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